Cm to inches and inches to cm converter in Excel

In this lesson you will teach yourself how to convert cm to inches, cm to feet and inches and inches to cm using Microsoft Excel application. This is the common question to convert metric and imperial units. Excel can do that in various different methods. Let’s convert cm to inches and inches to cm using Excel.


What is 1 inch equal to in cm?
1 inch is equal to 2.54 cm.5,9 inches is equal to 5,9 * 2.54cm = 14.986cm


What is 1 cm equal to in inches?
1 centimeter is equal to 0.3937007874015748 inches.47 cm = 47 / 2.54inches =  18.50393700787402 inches

Method 1. Convert using simple division

2.54 is the crucial number here. To convert cm to inches you need to just divide by 2.54. Similarly to convert inches to cm you need to multiply by 2.54.

cm to inches


10 inches = 10 * 2.54cm = 25.4cm

10 cm = 10 / 2.54inches = 3.937007874015748 inches

inches to cm

Note: You may want to round the inches value for simplification. Just use ROUND Excel function.

10 cm = ROUND(10/2.54,1) = 3.9 inches

10 cm = ROUND(10/2.54,2) = 3.94 inches

10 cm = ROUND(10/2.54,5) = 3.93701 inches

cm to inches round

Method 2. Conversion using CONVERT Excel function


cm to inches convert

To convert cm to inches use:


To convert inches to cm use:


inches to cm convert

Method 3. Convert using VBA code

VBA macros cm to inches conversion

This VBA code will ask you how many inches you want to convert to cm:

how many in cm

Sub InchesToCmConverter()
 Dim InchesToCm As Long
  InchesToCm = InputBox("How many in Inches?")
 MsgBox InchesToCm * 2.54 & " cm."
End Sub

MsgBox will show you the answer.

amount of inches converted from cm msgbox

This VBA code will ask you how many cm you want to convert to inches:

Sub CmToInchesConverter()
 Dim CmToInches As Long
  CmToInches = InputBox("How many in Cm?")
 MsgBox CmToInches / 2.54 & " inches."
End Sub

MsgBox will show you the answer.

Method 4. Convert cm to feet and inches.

1 meter is equal to 100 cm to it is obvious to calculate. One foot is 12 inches making it more difficult to calculate. Luckily there is an Excel formula which converts cm to feet and inches.

cm to feet and inches

=TRUNC(A1/2.54/12)&”‘ “&ROUND(MOD(A1/2.54,12),0)&””””

It will convert 180cm to 5′ 11″



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