How To Import XLAM File In Excel

In this article I will guide you how to import an Add In (xlam) file to Excel.

What is an Excel Add in?

It allows you to extend Excel functionality across other platforms including Windows, Mac, iPad, and in a browser. Use Excel add-ins within a workbook to. Interact with Excel objects, read and write Excel data.

We can create the excel Add in from an Excel file itself which has some special functions which you feel are useful to other Excel files.

When we create an Add in it is created in .xlam format. Many Excel add in’s are downloaded from web with special functions to be used locally in you Excel files.

I will guide you how to use or import an existing Add in to Excel file.

1. Open the excel file in which you want the Add in to be used:

New Spreadsheet

2. Click FILE at the top left from Excel file:

File Tab

3. Click Options at the bottom:

click Options

4. Click Add-ins:

click Add-ins

5. Select the Add-in from the list that you want to use:

select Add-in

In this example Analysis ToolPak is selected.

6. Click Go.

Analysis Toolpak go

7. Check same Add-in and click Ok:

Analysis Toolpak Add in

With this the selected Add-in is ready to use. All the macros, functions present in this add-in can now be used in the opened Excel file.

XLAM imported


You can download the Template here – Download